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Why do you need crisis management training?
Acculturation and awareness-raising are an integral part of crisis management. With this in mind, Alcyconie offers you realistic and fully customised exercises and immersions. Customised and adaptable, they are aimed at a wide range of audiences: COMEX, DSI, communication teams, lawyers, etc.
Who should be trained in cyber crisis management?
We take into account the managerial evolution of cyber crisis management and offer training courses aimed at the whole organisation, not just the CISO. Indeed, cyber and digital crises require multidisciplinary and cross-functional management. Because of the variety of players involved (CISO, HR, communications, legal, business, infrastructure and applications, etc.), a cyber crisis breaks down organisational silos by affecting all levels of the organisation and must therefore be thought through and prepared for collectively.
When should a crisis cell be formed?
Regularly to maintain the right reflexes and keep its crisis management system operational.
When new resources join the crisis management team
During reorganisation or organisational change
If the environment changes: increased or changed risks, structural changes, etc.
Training, exercises, awareness-raising... which format for which purpose?
Crisis management training must be tailored to the objectives to be achieved. These can be many and varied, and must be precisely defined with the expert eye of Alcyconie’s consultants: testing and trialling existing systems, raising awareness of the principles of crisis management among all employees or crisis unit members, training legal or communications specialists on specific topics, facilitating the exchange of problems in order to find joint solutions, etc.
We create convincing, realistic scenarios that take into account both the technical management of the incident and the managerial dimension. Our goal: to train you to manage all IT and cyber crises: Ransomware and/or data leakage, major IT incident, loss of data centre affecting your organisation or one of your outsourced service providers…
Alcyconie organises face-to-face or remote training sessions of varying duration (from one hour to one day). Our training courses allow you to acquire and reinforce the basics as well as to address specific issues (cyber crisis communication, the role of the lawyer in a crisis unit, fraud risk, etc.). Each course can be tailored to the client’s context, including through the use of in-house speakers (CISO, RPCA, etc.) or partner experts.
Our catalogue of training courses
Benefit from the expertise of Alcyconie consultants and a privileged opportunity to share experiences and exchange views with your peers.
Guided role-playing exercises.
Reflect and define collective responses and actions to a scenario. This training encourages cross-functional interaction between participants. Scenarios can be focused on specific business areas (legal, communications, etc.).
Simulation in which one or more decision-making or operational units (SOC, legal, etc.) are involved in the exercise. The rest is simulated.
Crisis management exercises are part of the implementation or maintenance of your organisation’s crisis management system in a live environment. Animated in real time on our immersive PIA® platform, they allow you to get as close to reality as possible. Scenarios are designed in collaboration with an accomplice within your organisation and can be purely cyber or include other topics (physical risk, pandemic, reputation, pollution, social unrest, etc.) depending on your needs.
Multi-cell scenario involving operators and some external participants and/or a scenario enhanced by a technical simulation in a protected environment dedicated to the exercise (cyber range or pre-prod).
Testing resilience and emergency decision making, enabling technical teams to interact directly with a realistic environment.
Using our PIA® platform and partner solutions (Cyber-Range, SOC, CTI, etc.), we stress the entire decision chain, from detection and 1st line of defence to executive committee, integrating service providers from the trained organisation’s ecosystem.
QUALIOPI certification allows you to finance your training and exercises!
Thanks to our Qualiopi certification, all our training courses (theoretical and practical) are open to external financing. Any company can have all or part of a Qualiopi certified training course financed by its OPCO, a list of which can be consulted here: https://travail-emploi.gouv.fr/ministere/acteurs/partenaires/opco.

Interested in our training courses?
Do you want to train your teams in crisis and cyber crisis management and communications, or conduct a crisis or cyber crisis management exercise or simulation?
Our added value? Highly immersive simulation exercises.
Cyber crisis management training helps to develop reflexes and cooperation in complex situations, avoid cognitive biases and limit the surprise effect on D-day. All our scenarios are tailored to the intensity and duration of each client’s case and run on our secure PIA® platform.
All our simulation exercises take place on our secure, immersive PIA® platform.
Once connected to the platform on the day of the exercise, players receive injects simulating other players (other teams, journalists, customers) in the form of phone calls, tweets, emails, news feeds, insurance reports, in a format as close to the real thing as possible. These injects are carefully prepared in advance with your organisation’s “accomplices” to enable you to work as close to reality as possible. All exchanges take place via the platform’s own secure mailbox for added security, realism and confidentiality.
Depending on the reactions of the players and their management of the situation, Alcyconie’s consultants can easily adjust the game pressure or provide them with certain methodological documents. The possibility of interacting directly with our animation teams on the platform and its realistic interface make it a much appreciated tool, contributing to the immersive aspect that is so valued in our exercises.
Thanks to our platform, operational training for communication teams is also possible!
Alcyconie’s immersive social network simulation platform enables communications teams to train under real-life conditions on crisis monitoring and community management in a bad buzz situation. On our secure platform, fake tweets and Instagram posts prepared by Alcyconie teams are mixed with real conversations: identifying key information, trolls, managing online interactions with third parties in the event of bad buzz, etc. This operational training is much appreciated by our clients and helps them to share one of the many challenges faced by communications teams: managing social networks in complex situations.
The human factor at the heart of training
Beyond the existence of specific methodologies and tools, the success of crisis management depends above all on the ability of teams to organise themselves and act in an unstructured environment. We work with experts in the social and behavioural sciences to offer specific training and interventions: decision making under uncertainty, stress management, deciphering the individual and collective cognitive biases at work in a crisis situation, etc.
In particular, our cyber training and exercises include a section dedicated to the psychological pressure mechanisms used by attackers, illustrated with concrete examples. Our recommendations, inspired by military techniques, deconstruct the cognitive mechanisms and biases that result from pressure and uncertainty, enabling the crisis unit to decide and manage with composure.
Our exercises also take into account the human dimension, which is crucial both in terms of the interaction between decision-makers and in terms of internal and external crisis communication. The latter requires active consideration of the issues at stake for the various stakeholders in the construction of its stance and messages.
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