Customer case studies

We work with companies in a wide range of sectors, but always with the utmost confidentiality.

Support in crisis situations

Critical Operator


A major industrial company turned to our experts for crisis support following a cyber attack.


  • Supporting the CIO ‘behind the scenes’ in crisis management operations.

Mission description

As part of this project, we were on call to provide advice and support for crisis management operations. We were able to make suggestions for…

le secteur de l'énergie et la gestion de crise cyber
les télécommunications et la gestion de crise cyber

Operational preparation for cyber crisis management



As part of a global support programme, we are helping a player in the telecoms sector to improve the skills of all its teams who are called upon to intervene in a deteriorating situation.


  • Training the legal department in cyber crisis management,
  • Defining, leading and organising a 4-day cyber crisis exercise.

Mission description

As part of this project, we began by training the organisation’s legal department in the specifics of digital law, giving them the keys to legally classify any breaches of the information system and…

Anticipating a crisis in a deteriorating situation

Healthcare software publisher


A company that publishes, integrates and distributes healthcare software was facing an impending crisis, the first signs of which were coming from its customers..


  • Helping our client manage the deteriorating situation,
  • Prepare a crisis communication plan involving all stakeholders,
  • Capitalise on the solutions implemented “on the spot”;
  • Identify the causes of the crisis and a medium-term action plan.

Mission description

We were involved in defining crisis governance and setting up strategic and operational crisis management to prevent and prepare for an acute crisis. We prepared the various crisis committees …

les hébergeurs et la gestion de crise cyber
le secteur de la logistique et la gestion de crise cyber

Post-crisis BCP/DRP optimisation

Logistics / Supply Chain


Following the COVID-19 health crisis, a company in the cosmetics/e-commerce sector requested our services to conduct a post-crisis RETEX and debriefing, to assess the climate and morale within a management team that had been particularly…


  • Cold debriefing and retex for the company’s supply chain functions;
  • BCP and DRP optimisation;
  • Giving employees the keys to understanding the situation.

Mission description

Prior to the project, we sent out an extensive questionnaire to gather as much information as possible about the situation. We then conducted an interview with the…

Establishing a crisis management system

Health establishments


A private healthcare association with dozens of facilities across France wanted to set up a crisis management system and train its management teams in cyber crisis management.


  • Definition of the appropriate and coherent cyber crisis plan vs. the white plans in place and the specificities of the association,
  • Provide crisis management training to the Executive Committee and Management Committee of the association and its main establishments
  • Conduct a cyber crisis exercise involving the decision-making and technical functions

Mission description

Initially, and in correlation with the commissioning team, we defined the crisis management plan (mobilisation, information and decision-making chain, reflex cards, crisis directory, etc.). We then carried out…

la santé et la gestion de crise cyber
le e-commerce et la gestion de crise cyber

Compromising social network accounts



Unfortunately, a major e-commerce player has had its social network accounts compromised by malicious actors. Instagram and Facebook are of major strategic interest to this player, as they are the main sales channel.


  • On-site support for the company (crisis management) to define the best strategy for managing the event,
  • Managing the crisis and initiating the various steps required to regain control of the affected accounts.

Mission description

We were called in at the earliest opportunity by a customer who was panicking after his social network accounts had been compromised by the validation of an internal email, and we immediately…

Training and simulations

Public authorities


As part of a framework contract, we conduct training and crisis simulations to help local authorities prepare for future threats and respond to a cyber crisis.


  • Awareness-raising and training in cyber crisis management for local authorities
  • Cyber crisis management training

Mission description

We provide regular follow-up for our framework contract customers. Over the course of a day, we train elected representatives and local authority teams in cyber crisis management and communication. This programme, tailored to the…

les collectivités et la gestion de crise cyber
le secteur de l'agro-alimentaire et la gestion de crise cyber

Cyber crisis management awareness

Organisations and cooperatives


An organisation in the agri-food sector requested our services to raise awareness among its board.


  • Raise awareness of cyber risk among management teams,
  • Reduce the company’s level of vulnerability,
  • Communicate the challenges of crisis management and the specifics of cyber crisis management, for greater responsiveness and more effective management in the face of a cyber crisis.

Mission description

The project consisted of 5 training sessions in crisis management and cyber crisis management, as well as an open source analysis of the exposure of senior executives to show their vulnerability to crisis situations and cyber attacks.